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Apexchart - AreaChart #3398

Open Victoria Rodriguez opened this topic on on Nov 26 - 7 comments

Victoria Rodriguez commented on Nov 26

I have a problem, I am using apexchart, when I change the screen size the graph does not update or adapt unless I refresh the entire screen.

I have tried the apexchart methods but they do not work https://products.technia.com/app/docs/tvc-helium-documentation-2021.4.0/helium/jsapi/ApexChart.html

Bright commented on Nov 28

Do you use style for apexchart ?

Victoria Rodriguez commented on Nov 28

Could you be more specific?

Bright commented on Nov 28

Try setting the style to width: 100%

Victoria Rodriguez commented on Nov 28

it doesn't work either

Bright commented on Dec 2

Can you provide more information about your code?

Victoria Rodriguez commented on Dec 2


        "dataSource" => $breakeven_data,
        "columns" => array(
            "date_time" => array(
                "label" => "Date",
            "total_cost" => array(
              "label" => "Total Cost",
              "type" => "number",
              "prefix" => '$',
            "sold_amount" => array(
                "label" => "Revenue",
                "type" => "number",
                "prefix" => '$',
        "options" => [
            'yaxis | labels' => [    // yaxis | labels: Customize the Y axis labels
                'style' => [
                    "colors" => ['#adadad']
                'formatter' => "function(value, index) {
                    return '$ ' + value.toLocaleString();
            'xaxis | labels' => [   // xaxis | labels: Customize the x axis labels
                'style' => [
                    "colors" => '#adadad'
                'formatter' => "function(value) {
                    return typeof value === 'string' ? (value.length > 15 ? value.substring(0, 15) + '...' : value) : '';
                'show' => true,
                'rotate' => -45 // Rotate labels if they overlap
            'xaxis | tickAmount' => 10, // Defines the number of ticks on the X axis to avoid overlap.
            'legend' => [
                'position' => 'bottom', // Move legend to the bottom for small screens
                'horizontalAlign' => 'center',
                'floating' => false  //the legend should float above the chart
            'chart' => [
                'height' => 260, // Default height
            'responsive' => [
                    'breakpoint' => 1000,
                    'options' => [
                        'chart' => [
                            'height' => 350
                        'xaxis' => [
                            'labels' => [
                                'rotate' => -30
                    'breakpoint' => 600,
                    'options' => [
                        'chart' => [
                            'height' => 300
                        'xaxis' => [
                            'labels' => [
                                'rotate' => -45
                        'legend' => [
                            'position' => 'bottom'
        'colors' => [
        "widthHeightAutoRatio" => 3,
        "showLegend" => true
Bright commented on Dec 3

I don't see any effect on the resizing from the code. I think it is affected by some external setting

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