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Chartjs RadarChart #3385

Open Victoria Rodriguez opened this topic on on Nov 19 - 5 comments

Victoria Rodriguez commented on Nov 19

Hi! I am using chartJs radar for PDF view with export, of the five points of the radar, only the data of two points is shown correctly. I think the problem could be solved if the middle point of the radar takes the value 0. The scale is from 0 to 1. But I can't establish that configuration.

$average_app_margin = $this->dataStore('average_margin_application')->toArray();

                if (!count($average_app_margin)) {
                    echo '<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
                                <span class="text-info text-sm-center">No data available</span>
                } else {
                    foreach ($average_app_margin as &$row) {
                        $margin = floatval($row['total_margin'] ?? 0);
                        $row['total_margin'] = number_format($margin, 2, '.', '');

                    //"title" => "Margin per Application",
                    "dataSource" => $average_app_margin,
                        "columns" => array(
                            "job_application" => [
                                "label" => "Application"
                            "total_margin" => [
                                "label" => "Total Margin",
                                "type" => 'number',
                                "suffix" => "%",
                        "showLegend" => false,
                        "widthHeightAutoRatio" => 1.3,
                        "options" => [
                            "scales" => [
                                "r" => [
                                    "suggestedMin" => 0,  
                                    "suggestedMax" => 100, 
                                    "ticks" => [
                                        "beginAtZero" => true,  
Bright commented on Nov 20

Hi, You do this :

"options" => [
    "scales" => [
        "ticks" => [
            "beginAtZero" => true,
             "suggestedMin" => 0,
            "suggestedMax" => 100
Victoria Rodriguez commented on Nov 20

H! It hasn't worked for me

Bright commented on Nov 20

Can you be more specific? It would be better if there were illustrations.

Victoria Rodriguez commented on Nov 20

I continued researching and testing and I managed to solve it like this. Thank you very much for your help!

"options" => [
                                "scale" => [ 
                                "ticks" => [ 
                                    "beginAtZero" => true, 
                                    "suggestedMin" => 0, 
                                    "suggestedMax" => 100, 
                                "pointLabels" => [ 
                                    "fontSize" => 12,   
Bright commented on Nov 20

Glad I was able to help you out a little. Helping you also helped me learn a few things, like how to easily fix similar errors in the future.

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