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Searchable property of field in resource #3378

Closed Alain MATHIEU opened this topic on on Nov 15 - 2 comments

Alain MATHIEU commented on Nov 15

Hi, I am using dashboard > admin and created a class that extends Resource. Everything is working fine: the connection to the database is up, the data displayed the way I want. There are two fields with the following properties: sort("desc"), textAlign("right"), sortable(true). All those properties do the job. But when I try to add the property searchable(true) it doesn't work at all. Did I miss something?

KoolReport commented on Nov 17

As you know the admin panel resource has the search box which allows you to search the whole column and table.

For example:

        //Allow searchBox
        ->placeHolder("Search customers");

The searchable property in each fields allow you to decide whether the fields are used to be searched. You can allow some fields searchable and some are not.

Alain MATHIEU commented on Nov 17

Quick and accurate response. A big time saver. Thank you

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