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PDF export: chartjs AreaChart size issue #3376

Open Victoria Rodriguez opened this topic on on Nov 14 - 3 comments

Victoria Rodriguez commented on Nov 14

For browser view the size works well, I can modify it to my liking. But when you want to render it in export for PDF, the size is very small and despite wanting to change the size, the graph does not change and remains small. Is this a PDF export problem?

use \koolreport\chartjs\AreaChart;

                $breakeven_data_raw = $this->dataStore('breakeven_chart_data')->toArray();
                $breakeven_data = [];

                $timeRange = $this->params['dateRange'];

                $Last3Months = CustomDateRange::lastThreeMonths();
                $Last6Months = CustomDateRange::lastSixMonths();
                $Thisyear = CustomDateRange::thisYear();
                $Lastyear = CustomDateRange::lastYear();

                if ($timeRange == $Last3Months || $timeRange == $Last6Months || $timeRange == $Thisyear || $timeRange == $Lastyear) {
                    foreach ($breakeven_data_raw as $entry) {
                        $month = date('M Y', strtotime($entry['formated_sold_date']));
                        if (!isset($breakeven_data[$month])) {
                            $breakeven_data[$month] = [
                                'date_time' => $month,
                                'sold_amount' => 0,
                                'monthly_press_payment' => 0,
                        $breakeven_data[$month]['sold_amount'] += $entry['sale_price'];
                        $breakeven_data[$month]['total_cost'] = $entry['variable_cost'];

                    $breakeven_data = array_values($breakeven_data);
                } else {
                    foreach ($breakeven_data_raw as &$entry) {
                        $formattedDate = date('j M y', strtotime($entry['formated_sold_date']));
                        $entry['date_time'] = $formattedDate;
                    $breakeven_data = $breakeven_data_raw;

                    "dataSource" => $breakeven_data,
                    "columns" => array(
                        "sold_amount" => array(
                            "label" => "Revenue",
                            "type" => "number",
                            "prefix" => "$"
                        "monthly_press_payment" => array(
                            "label" => "Expenses",
                            "type" => "number",
                            "prefix" => "$"
                    "colorScheme" => array(
                    "options" => array(
                        "responsive" => true, 
                        "scales" => array(
                            "x" => array(
                                "type" => "time",
                                "time" => array(
                                    "unit" => "month", 
                                "title" => array(
                                    "display" => true,
                                    "text" => "Date"
                                "ticks" => array(
                                    "autoSkip" => true,  
                                    "maxTicksLimit" => 12,  
                                    "maxRotation" => 0,  
                                    "minRotation" => 0, 
                            "y" => array(
                                "title" => array(
                                    "display" => true,
                                    "text" => "Amount"
                                "ticks" => array(
                                    "beginAtZero" => true, 
                                    "stepSize" => 5000, 
                                    "maxTicksLimit" => 10,  
                        "plugins" => array(
                            "legend" => array(
                                "display" => true,
                        "width" => 800, 
                        "height" => 800

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 15

Pls move your "width" and "height" properties to the outside of "options" like this and try exporting again:

                    "options" => array(
                    "width" => 800, 
                    "height" => 800
Victoria Rodriguez commented on Nov 15

I have also tried putting it outside of options but it doesn't work either, it remains reduced in size. It only happens within the pdf view.

Victoria Rodriguez commented on Nov 15

I was able to solve it by wrapping the graph in a container and specifying width with style tag. thank you so much!!

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