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Koolreport 6.5.0 - PHP Version #3320

Open Claudionor Silveira opened this topic on on Jul 23 - 3 comments

Claudionor Silveira commented on Jul 23

Can i upgrade my kooreport version from 6.0.6 to 6.5.0 using PHP version 7.3.x?

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 24

It depends on KoolReport packages you use. The koolreport/core and some other packages can work with PHP 7.3.x but there are other packages which require newer version of PHP. Thus, KoolReport Pro version 6.5.0 which includes all the packages, can not be installed with PHP 7.3.x. You would need to either upgrade PHP or use older versions of KoolReport Pro or install only selected packages which are compatible with PHP 7.3.

Claudionor Silveira commented on Jul 25

Thanks for the answer Sebastian, what about the ApexCharts package? It is possible to run it on PHP 7.3?

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 29

Yes, ApexCharts is possible to install and run on PHP 7.3. If you have any issue with running it let us know.

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