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ReferenceError: Can't find variable: KoolReport #3282

Open Thomas Minor opened this topic on on Apr 22 - 7 comments

Thomas Minor commented on Apr 22

I support team,

I always get this error when I try to download a generated PDF report. The tmp file is generated in the assigned temp dir thought. I already tried to assign the "assets" value in the settings to ensure the report process can reach the required files, but this didn't work out.

Other then this, I also copied your example to my server ans that also didn't work. What might be wrong?

Yours, --Thomas

Sebastian Morales commented on Apr 24

Pls try to rename the .tmp file to .html, then open it in your browser and check browser dev tool to see if KoolReport.js is able to load or not. If it's not loaded see what the error is (is it path or permission issue, etc).

Thomas Minor commented on Apr 24

Hi there, I just renamed and opened it in place and it opened without any errors. All resources got loaded with a http/2 200 and no error in the console.

Sebastian Morales commented on Apr 25

Can you pls show a screenshot of a report exporting result?

Thomas Minor commented on Apr 25

you mean the resulting pdf? It's still rather raw, because I wanted to do the fancy stuff after it generates correctly.

Thomas Minor commented on May 13

Anything new here? I'd like to use the reports.

Thomas Minor commented on Jul 29

I'd like to know how if anything will happen here. At the moment, the reason I bought this software isn't working.

Sebastian Morales commented on Aug 5

Thomas, sorry for the delayed reply! Would you pls confirm the problem is that report PDF is generated but no CSS style is applied, thus the result is not formatted?

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