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How to add both sticky header and sticky first column in Datatable report #2989

Open Komuraiah A opened this topic on on Feb 16, 2023 - 6 comments

Komuraiah A commented on Feb 16, 2023

I am trying to add both the sticky header and sticky first column to the data table report, and after adding the fixed column, fixed header the header columns are not in the same report column after the page scrolling. so can you help me solve the problem.

Sebastian Morales commented on Feb 21, 2023

Would you pls post screenshots of the problem for us to better understand it? Tks,

Komuraiah A commented on Feb 27, 2023

Hi below am sharing screenshot of my problem when after submitting report showing like this.

And After when scrolling page data table report coming like this

Komuraiah A commented on Feb 27, 2023

when i scrolling datatable report header and first sticky column not matching. please tell me as soon as possible. am waiting for your answer. thanq

Sebastian Morales commented on Feb 27, 2023

Did you use Boostrap 3 or 4?

Komuraiah A commented on Feb 28, 2023

am using Boostrap 3.

Sebastian Morales commented on Mar 1, 2023

Pls open the file koolreport/datagrid/DataTables.php and replace function resourceSettings() with this one:

    protected function resourceSettings()
        $resources = [];
        $themeBase = $this->getThemeBase();
        switch ($themeBase) {
            case "bs4":
                $resources = array(
                    "library" => array("jQuery"),
                    "folder" => "DataTables",
                    "js" => array(
                    "css" => array(
            case "bs3":
                $resources = array(
                    "library" => array("jQuery"),
                    "folder" => "DataTables",
                    "js" => array(
                    "css" => array(

        $pluginNameToFiles = array(
            "AutoFill" => array(
            "Buttons" => array(
                ["pdfmake-0.1.36/vfs_fonts.js"], //vfs_fonts must be loaded after pdfmake.min.js
            "ColReorder" => array(
            "FixedColumns" => array(
            "FixedHeader" => array(
            "KeyTable" => array(
            "Responsive" => array(
            "RowGroup" => array(
            "RowReorder" => array(
            "Scroller" => array(
            "SearchPanes" => array(
            "Select" => array(
            "RowsGroup" => array(

        if ($themeBase === "bs3") {
            $pluginNameToFiles["Buttons"][] = "Buttons-1.6.2/js/buttons.bootstrap.min.js";
            $pluginNameToFiles["FixedColumns"][] = "FixedColumns-3.3.1/js/fixedColumns.bootstrap.min.js";
            $pluginNameToFiles["FixedHeader"][] = "FixedHeader-3.1.7/js/fixedHeader.bootstrap.min.js";

        if ($themeBase === "bs4") {
            $pluginNameToFiles["Buttons"][] = "Buttons-1.6.2/js/buttons.bootstrap4.min.js";
            $pluginNameToFiles["FixedColumns"][] = "FixedColumns-3.3.1/js/fixedColumns.bootstrap4.min.js";
            $pluginNameToFiles["FixedHeader"][] = "FixedHeader-3.1.7/js/fixedHeader.bootstrap4.min.js";

        $pluginJs = [];
        foreach ($this->plugins as $name) {
            if (isset($pluginNameToFiles[$name])) {
                foreach ($pluginNameToFiles[$name] as $jsfile) {
                    array_push($pluginJs, $jsfile);
            } else if (is_string($name)) {
                array_push($pluginJs, $name);
        $resources['js'][2] = array_merge($resources['js'][2], $pluginJs);

        $pluginNameToCsses = array(
            "Buttons" => array(
            "FixedHeader" => array(
            "FixedColumns" => array(

        if ($themeBase === "bs3") {
            $pluginNameToCsses["Buttons"][] = "Buttons-1.6.2/css/buttons.bootstrap.min.css";
            $pluginNameToCsses["FixedColumns"][] = "FixedColumns-3.3.1/css/fixedColumns.bootstrap.min.css";
            $pluginNameToCsses["FixedHeader"][] = "FixedHeader-3.1.7/css/fixedHeader.bootstrap.min.css";

        if ($themeBase === "bs4") {
            $pluginNameToCsses["Buttons"][] = "Buttons-1.6.2/css/buttons.bootstrap4.min.css";
            $pluginNameToCsses["FixedColumns"][] = "FixedColumns-3.3.1/css/fixedColumns.bootstrap4.min.css";
            $pluginNameToCsses["FixedHeader"][] = "FixedHeader-3.1.7/css/fixedHeader.bootstrap4.min.css";

        $pluginCsses = [];
        foreach ($this->plugins as $name) {
            $cssFiles = Util::get($pluginNameToCsses, $name, []);
            $pluginCsses = array_merge($pluginCsses, $cssFiles);
        $resources['css'] = array_merge($resources['css'], $pluginCsses);

        if (!empty($this->clientRowGroup) || !empty($this->rowDetailData)) {
            $resources['library'][] = 'font-awesome';

        return $resources;

Then in your DataTables create code add the following theme setting line:

    "themeBase" => "bs3", // add this theme setting line

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