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Angular Support #2886

Open BDO India LLP opened this topic on on Nov 28, 2022 - 3 comments

BDO India LLP commented on Nov 28, 2022

Hi, Would like to know if KoolReport Pro supports Angular integration. If yes, kindly guide us with setup and API integration for same.

KoolReport commented on Dec 1, 2022

I am sorry for my late reply. If you use KoolReport with Angular then you may not be able to use the visualization from KoolReport but you can use KoolReport as the source of data. You still can make report, run it and return the data in form of json or array. After running report, you can access the datastore of report.

echo $report->dataStore("name_of_store")->toJson(); //toArray()
MP-BDO commented on Dec 2, 2022

Hi, We have a requirement of using Visual Query Builder with Angular, ->toJson() will return a JSON, how do we prepare UI based on that? Does Kool Report provide Angular UI for that? If Kool Report is not providing UI for that what are the other options?

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 6, 2022

We haven't had Angular component for VisualQuery yet. However, all of our widgets can be returned as html, js and css like this:

$widgetContent = VisualQuery::create(array(...), true);
echo $widgetContent;

I think you could try to implement a general Angular component that sends an ajax request to a route that returns the widget content. Then set the component content to ajax response. Finally execute any script tag inside the content and the widget should display inside the component.

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