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Data table search and than sort issue #2865

Open Mike Carroll opened this topic on on Nov 8, 2022 - 1 comments

Mike Carroll commented on Nov 8, 2022

You are using the demo page provided and it is reproducing the same error. If you enter in a search value; for example "dia" and hit enter it will filter just fine; however as soon as you click on a column to sort; the search box get populated with filtering text.

steps to recreated. 1. Click the page:

  1. Enter dia in the search box;
  2. click on a column to sort
  3. search box get strange text.

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 8, 2022

Tks, Mike. We can confirm this issue with search input. The strange string is the search input converted to regular expression, which is used in enhanced search modes such as "smart", "or", etc. We will find options to avoid this confusion.

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